1957 Junior-Senior Prom
Night at the Movies!
Friday, May 10, 1957
Orpheum Theater, Marion, IL
On our
Junior-Senior prom night, we danced at the high school "girls gym" which
lasted until midnight. I believe we danced to the music of Jack Stalcup.
If anyone has a "dance card" from this event listing the correct dance
band, I would appreciate knowing the correct band.
gym was decorated in colorful "crepe paper" streamers by the prom
committee, usually girl volunteers from our class. After the dance, we
attended a special movie presentation at the Orpheum Theater. After the
movie was over, we walked down the alley (East of the Orpheum) to the Elks
Club where we danced, ate sandwiches and/or "munchies", and drank sodas
until morning!
all-nighter was sponsored by the Elks Club and was the forerunner of the
present day Graduation Spree sponsored by the Marion Chamber of Commerce.
The main purpose was to keep us off the highways and off "booze" so we
wouldn't get killed in an automobile accident! This event did not keep
everyone off the roads!
example, after the 1956 Junior-Senior Prom, but before the movie, yours
truly, along with Tom Spiller and our dates, Julie and Nancy, took my father's
1955 Buick hard-top V8 out east of Marion on Old Rt. 13 and headed towards
Miller's Crossroads. On the way back to town, there was no traffic so I
rev the engine up and soon the speedometer needle was touching 100mph before
I eased up on the gas pedal. Everyone in the car was excited, especially
Spiller, until I got towards the magic 100 number. Then everyone in the
car was scared, including me. Nothing happend but I vowed never again!
movie clip below was shot in Super 8-mm color film by Louis Fluck during
the parade of "happy dancers" entering the theater in the early morning
hours of Saturday, May 11, 1957. We have Louis to thank for preserving
part of our high school memories for us to share 50 years later. If you
want a copy of the entire DVD Louis has produced, please contact him at
his e-mail address. |